Pay Slips & T4s
Pay Slips and T4s are available from the GolfNorth Paystubs Portal.
Access the Paystubs Portal Now
Your user name will be your first initial and your last name (for example Michael Jackson would be mjackson).
For employees with hyphenated or 2 last names there will be a dot (for example Beyoncé Knowles-Carter would be bknowles.carter). Apostrophes will be removed (for example Catherine O’Hara would be cohara).
Your password will be your birth year followed the last 3 digits of your SIN (for example 1985227).
You will be able view your pay slips and T4s from your phone or tablet. You will be able to print them from a computer.
Employee Handbook
Golf Privileges
- Employees receive 100% discount on green fees.
- Playing privileges are at the sole discretion of the GM.
- Any staff wishing to participate in any leagues may or may not be required to pay regular rate. Staff are not eligible to win prizes and may not accept prizes.
- Privileges as set out extend to the employee only. Friends or family receive 25% off posted price unless they are members.
- Discounts apply to green fees only. There are NO employee discounts on power carts. Pull carts where available are complementary to staff.
Tee Time Booking
- Tee times cannot be made more than 48 hours in advance.
- ALL player names MUST be given at the time of booking. Only one time may be booked per employee per day.
- Tee times must be put on the tee sheet under employees name.
- Staff MUST adhere to all policies and procedures, including dress code and golf course etiquette.
- Any staff member not adhering to the rules and regulations set out in their golf privileges or conduct themselves in any way that reflects poorly on them or the company WILL lose their golf privileges immediately and subsequently may face immediate dismissal.
- In addition, any counter staff member NOT following the staff golf privilege guidelines and allowing staff to play at no charge or at discounted rates outside of the program will be immediately dismissed.
Food & Beverage Privileges
The following pertains to ALL full time and part time employees:
- 50% discount on all prepared foods at their home course ONLY on a staff account set up by a GM.
- NO DISCOUNT is given for confectionery and prepackaged items such as bottled pop, chips, chocolate bars etc.
- NO DISCOUNT is given for alcoholic beverages
- ALL discounted purchases MUST be made with the staff account. NO staff discounts will be issued without the account setup regardless of what is being purchased.
- ANY staff found not paying for food, allowing others to receive food at no charge or allowing staff to pay without their staff account will face immediate dismissal.
Pro Shop Merchandise
- 25 % discount on Pro shop merchandise excluding golf balls and hardware at their home course.
- NO STAFF ACCOUNT = You are considered a regular customer, and will not receive any discount.
Power Cart Rentals
- There are NO employee discounts on power carts.
GolfNorth Properties Inc. understands that occasionally you may be required to miss a day of work due to some circumstances such as a family emergency. An employee’s job performance, the impact on company operations, and the employee’s length of employment, are all factors that will be considered when a request for leave is made. If you are absent from work and do not notify your supervisor or fail to get approval from your supervisor prior to taking time off, you will be considered as having taken an unauthorized absence. If you fail to report to work for 3 consecutive days without having prior authorization, this will constitute a voluntary termination on your part. Absenteeism will be monitored on an individual basis.
Leave of Absence
You will be granted up to 5 days unpaid leave, in the event of the death of an immediate family member. Depending upon the circumstances of your situation, extended leave may be considered on an individual basis. Full-time year-round salaried employees will receive up to 3 days pay. Your direct supervisor should be consulted on such requests.
Jury Leave
In every jurisdiction in Canada, a person summoned to serve on a civil or criminal jury has the obligation to do so. If you are faced with being called to jury duty, speak with your manager or supervisor and jury leave will be granted without pay. When jury duty ends contact your manager and make arrangements to be placed back on the facility’s schedule.
As an employee of GolfNorth you may, occasionally, become aware of certain information, such as information pertaining to acquisitions or operational matters before it is public knowledge. You are required by law to keep this information confidential until the information has been released to the public. If you are uncertain whether certain information can be disclosed, you should check with your supervisor. In addition, you are required to ensure that any confidential information that you receive as a result of your work at GolfNorth remains confidential. This could include a business discussion, personal work related information such as pay or information regarding GolfNorth members or other clients. A confidentiality agreement must be signed and failure to maintain confidentiality will result in disciplinary measures and may include termination of employment.
Other Employment
While outside employment is generally not encouraged, we do not object to you having a job outside of GolfNorth as long as it:
- Does not interfere with your ability to perform the duties of your current position;
- Is not in direct competition with any business of GolfNorth;
- Does not present a situation wherein you would be in a position of conflict of interest;
- Does not use any confidential or proprietary information learned directly through your employment with GolfNorth.
Please ensure that proper opening and closing procedures are followed in order to prevent break-ins and theft of GolfNorth property. Under no circumstances shall you share or provide others with keys or security codes to facilities as this is a direct violation of the confidentiality policy listed above. From time to time, GolfNorth may employ the use of video surveillance and digital video recorders in the pro shop areas, food and beverage areas or other high traffic areas located on its facilities. It is a condition of your employment that you consent to being recorded by these surveillance cameras while in these areas. No surveillance cameras are located in washrooms or change rooms.
Break-Ins & Theft
Unfortunately break-ins do occur occasionally, and it is our job to limit the amount of damage and theft as best we can. Deposits should be made daily to avoid cash-on-hand at the facility. All cash, cheques, and small valuable items should be kept locked up in the safe when not in use.
The removable hard drive should also be locked up in the safe after a daily back-up has been done. Make sure that all emergency lights and sensors are functioning properly.
It is important to ensure that all doors are locked and that the building is secure when leaving at night. All items should be put away and carts locked up. The harder it is to get into a particular room, the longer we have for emergency crews to arrive before too much damage is done. Set the alarm every night.
Alarm codes should be changed at the start of every season and a few times throughout the season. An up-to-date contact list must be on file with Alarm Company and at head office.
False Alarms
Every time a false alarm is registered we are charged. If enough false alarms occur throughout the season it could become a case of “the boy who cried wolf” and in the event of a real emergency the police will not show up.
Make sure that your CFS Security ID is handy (but in a safe place) in case you receive a call from the monitoring station.
Credit Card Fraud
It is important to train your staff to check the signature on the back of every card presented to them.
If a card does not swipe through the machine properly the following must be done:
- Take an imprint of the card
- Manually enter the number into the terminal
- Write the confirmation number from the terminal onto the imprint sheet
- Have the customer sign both copies.
By following these steps we can assure ourselves that we will not get a charge-back for any items in question.
Employee Purchases: Staff Uniforms
Uniforms (GolfNorth shirts) have been pre-ordered by Head Office and will be available for pick-up at Head Office by April 1, 2014. All employees are required to purchase the uniform unless exempted in writing by Mike Garside. Additional shirts may be purchased by the employee if requested. Payment for the shirt(s) will appear as a deduction on your first pay stub. All staff must wear the uniform for every shift.
Employee Pro Shop and Food & Beverage Purchases
Each employee will be issued a staff card. ALL employees MUST have cash loaded on their card if they wish to receive an employee discount. The cash is loaded on the card by the General Manager only. ALL purchases MUST be made with the staff card. NO staff discounts will be given to any person without a Staff Card.
ANY staff found not paying for food, allowing others to receive food at no charge or allowing staff to pay without their staff card will face immediate dismissal.
If you purchase an item while working for full price because you do not have your staff card, keep your receipt in case you are asked to produce it.
No Staff Card – You are considered a regular customer, and will not receive any discount.
Personal Conduct
Personal misconduct such as inappropriate language, stealing or damaging company property, fraudulent misrepresentation, harassment etc., will not be tolerated. In such cases disciplinary action will be taken. Such action may include termination of your employment and legal prosecution. At all times it is the expectation of GolfNorth that you keep your attitude and personal opinions of your position, fellow employees, and the company in general positive when conversing with clientele. Any conflict should be resolved with your supervisor or the Head Office. Consumption of alcohol or use of illegal drugs while working is strictly prohibited and will result in termination of employment. Reporting to work while under the influence of intoxicants is also unacceptable behaviour and will result in the immediate termination of your employment.
Appearance & Attitude
The professional image and business conduct of employees makes a direct statement about the proficiency of GolfNorth. It is therefore essential that you dress appropriately for the nature of the work you perform. It is important that the highest of standards are constantly reflected throughout GolfNorth. We are fortunate in that we operate in an environment that allows us to dress in a relatively casual way. Nevertheless, it is imperative that you exercise sound judgment in your choice of dress. If management feels your attire in unsuitable for the workplace, you may be requested to return home and change into more appropriate clothes.
Some inappropriate items include:
- Cut off or “short” shorts Halter or tank tops Short skirts Sweat pants Tee shirts with advertising
- Blue jeans Ripped or torn clothing Sandals/Flip flops Open toed shoesThis is not an all-inclusive list. If you are unclear as to appropriate attire for your work area, please request clarification from your supervisor.
Staff Uniforms
All GolfNorth employees are required to purchase and wear a staff shirt at all times when on duty, unless exempted in writing. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in termination of employee if within probationary period or discipline in accordance with GolfNorth’s Progressive Discipline Policy after probationary period. GolfNorth uniforms consist of a GolfNorth shirt and casual pants for ALL INSIDE facets of the operation. Employees are expected to wear this uniform for every shift that they work. Turf employees are required to wear their staff shirt at all times while working. Failure to arrive for a shift with your uniform could result in being sent home to retrieve it. All employees are required to purchase at least 2 shirts that have been pre-ordered by Head Office. The employee may wish to purchase more than the requirement to ensure that their uniform is available for every shift. Uniform forms are included in the employee hiring packages.
Telephone Use
GolfNorth understands that you will, on occasion, need to make personal calls while at work. We request that you keep these calls to a minimum and refrain from long distance calls whenever possible. If it is discovered that excessive calls are being made from your facility disciplinary measures will be taken. No cell phones, PDA’s etc. are permitted to be carried by an employee while working.
Smoking in the workplace
Smoking in the workplace is prohibited by both provincial and municipal codes. While on the job, smoking is restricted to designated outside areas only, and is not permitted even in designated restaurant areas. This will help in establishing a sanitary and professional appearance. Please ask your supervisor for the location of staff smoking areas. Proper hand washing required immediately after smoking and before returning to work.
Soliciting in the workplace
You are not to solicit any other employee or distribute literature for the purpose of soliciting any other employee while at work. This includes the posting of literature on bulletin boards or soliciting contributions on company property.
Unethical or Dishonest behaviour
Unethical or dishonest behaviour can have a detrimental effect on any public organization such as GolfNorth. It is imperative that you conduct yourself in an ethical and honest manner when dealing with members, suppliers, other employees or anyone else you come into contact with during the course of doing your job.
Stealing or Misuse of Company property
Stealing company property will not be tolerated and constitutes immediate grounds for dismissal. If you need to remove any piece of company property from any of the facilities, for whatever reason, be sure you have the proper approval to do so. Likewise, misuse or abuse of company property will not be tolerated.
Conducting Personal Business during work hours
While you are at work, you are expected to be conducting GolfNorth business. If you have personal business to conduct, you should conduct this before or after your regular work hours or during your lunch breaks. If you require more time to take care of a personal matter, you should speak with your manager or supervisor to make arrangements. This includes such things as checking personal emails, scheduling appointments etc.
Customer Service
While you are working, please remember that our customers are out for an enjoyable day and their first and last impression of your facility will depend on how they are treated by staff. Greet customers immediately. Always be respectful and polite to the customer. This respect should be for everyone in your environment including fellow employees. Take your time serving customers. They should be dealt with attentively and to the best of your ability. Remember, it is essential to our business that we provide an atmosphere for our customers that will promote GolfNorth and establish a relationship that will ensure they return to the facility in the near future. If a problem should arise with a customer try to resolve it to the best of your ability and within your boundaries. If the customer is still not satisfied, please let your Facility Manager know and he/she will resolve it. As an employee of GolfNorth there is an expectation that all employees will conduct themselves, while in public, in a mature and conscientious manner. Especially when socializing with other GolfNorth employees, please remember that you continue to represent the company and that you are a reflection of our corporate image. When visiting or playing golf at one of GolfNorth’s facilities, remember that you are still acting as an employee of GolfNorth and that you must conduct yourself in a professional manner.
There are certain performance expectations that will be outlined clearly depending upon your position with GolfNorth. These expectations are the measurements against which your performance with the company will be evaluated. If there are problems with your job performance you will be given every opportunity to improve. In addition, any exemplary behaviour will also be recorded any may be assessed at the end of your probationary period, during times of promotion or seasonal cutbacks. Supervisors and/or Facility Managers maintain performance records on all employees and any issues will be recorded in detail. All staff, member and customer complaints and issues will be taken seriously and should be reported immediately to your supervisor or Head Office. GolfNorth has established an offence policy that is divided into three offence categories.
Category 1 (not limited to but including)
Discipline for a Category 1 Offence:
- Closing procedures not completed properly
- Late for a shift without notification
- Failure to be properly attired
- Legitimate customer complaint of any kind specific to an individual
- Substandard performance in service expectation
- Abusive language toward fellow employees
- Failure to punch in or out
- Not maintaining confidentiality
1st Violation – Verbal warning (documented)
2nd Violation – Signed written warning & understanding that a subsequent offence will result in suspension
3rd Violation – Signed written suspension from employment for a period of time determined by management. Salaried employees will have a disruption in pay for the period of suspension.
Category 2
Discipline for Category 2 Offence:
- Legitimate customer complaint of serious nature and specific to an individual
- Failure to show up for a shift
- Threats of violence toward another employee
1st Violation – Automatic suspension from employment for a period of time, to be determined by management. Salaried employees will have a resulting interruption of pay
2nd Violation – Automatic termination of employment.
Category 3
Discipline for Category 3 Offence:
- Theft or destruction of property (company, staff or customer)
- Reporting to work under the influence of intoxicants or drinking or using drugs on the job
- Serving alcohol to a minor
- Falsification of company records
- Physical violence towards other employees or customers
1st Violation – Automatic termination of employment.
All violations verbal and written are documented in writing by the supervisor and a copy is forwarded to Human Resources.
Amended March 10, 2014
Allocating gratuities to staff is the responsibility of the General Manager or his/her designate.
Daily Gratuities
Daily gratuities are received at the food & beverage counter and may be pooled at the course level and dispersed regularly. This should be a transparent system. If you are not clear on how it works speak to your supervisor.
Beverage Cart and Bartender Gratuities
Cart gratuities have the potential to be quite substantial and must be tracked on a daily basis by the General Manager or designate. A daily tracking sheet showing beverage cart sales for the day and gratuities received must be completed. Beverage cart employee will submit the report to the supervisor prior to end of each shift. Gratuities received at the bar during events may be retained by the bartender(s) at the end of his/her shift. These gratuities are not pooled as part of the daily gratuities or allocated to others.
Event Gratuities
Effective January 1, 2013, GolfNorth eliminated mandatory gratuities. This applies to golf tournaments, weddings, meetings, receptions, parties and all other gatherings at all facilities. Event convenors will still have the option of adding an optional gratuity to their payment, but this will truly be “optional” and will hopefully become the norm when the customers receive exceptional service. Should a gratuity be received with payment from a client it may be paid out at the sole discretion of the General Manager or designate via payroll.

Employee Contact Information
Head Office
400 Golf Course Road, Conestogo, ON N0B 1N0
Toll Free: 1-888-833-8787
Local Phone: 519-664-2851
Fax: 519-664-1639